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Testing 21st Century Skills Badges from Education Design Lab

Port Elizabeth, South Africa
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Testing 21st Century Skills Badges from Education Design Lab

Port Elizabeth, South Africa
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In this pilot we are testing one of the 21st Century Skills Badges of Education Design Lab. The skill we are testing is: critical thinking.In the testing you learn more about the critical thinking skill. Critical thinking in the 21st century includes the capacity to reason logically and rigorously. Effective critical thinkers exhibit four core sub-competencies: gather and assess relevant information; identify patterns; question assumptions; and draw well-reasoned conclusions.This course will take 5-6 hours to complete. But we do the course in several days.All course materials will be facilitated through the VSBL system from Education Design Lab. They will make an account for you. You can log in with the login details the facilitator will give to you.

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Testing 21st Century Skills Badges from Education Design Lab Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

In this pilot we are testing one of the 21st Century Skills Badges of Education Design Lab. The skill we are testing is: critical thinking.In the testing you learn more about the critical thinking skill. Critical thinking in the 21st century includes the capacity to reason logically and rigorously. Effective critical thinkers exhibit four core sub-competencies: gather and assess relevant information; identify patterns; question assumptions; and draw well-reasoned conclusions.This course will take 5-6 hours to complete. But we do the course in several days.All course materials will be facilitated through the VSBL system from Education Design Lab. They will make an account for you. You can log in with the login details the facilitator will give to you.
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Port Elizabeth, South Africa


#analyse issues
#address problems critically
#bereid zijn om te leren
#online leren
#zorgen voor betere toegankelijkheid in de toekomst
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Eastern Cape Region of Learning
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